def run(self):
"""Generates the virtual plant."""
from openalea import lpy
from openalea.plantgl import all
lpy_globals = json.loads(luigi.DictParameter().serialize(self.lpy_globals))
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
x = self.input().get().get_file(self.lpy_file_id)
tmp_filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, "f.lpy")
with open(tmp_filename, "wb") as f:
lsystem = lpy.Lsystem(tmp_filename, globals=lpy_globals)
for lstring in lsystem:
t = all.PglTurtle()
lsystem.turtle_interpretation(lstring, t)
scene = t.getScene()
output_file = self.output_file()
fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, "plant.obj")
classes = luigi.DictParameter().serialize(VirtualPlantConfig().classes).replace(" ", "")"Splitting mesh by classes in Blender with `romi_split_by_material`...")["", "--", "--classes", classes, fname, fname], check=True)"Cleaning mesh in Blender with `romi_clean_mesh`...")["", "--", fname, fname], check=True)
output_mtl_file = self.output().get().create_file( + "_mtl")
output_mtl_file.import_file(fname.replace("obj", "mtl"))
# -- UGLY HACK --
# We need to replace the MTL file name referenced in OBJ file!
# The OBJ file is originally saved as a temporary file named 'plant.obj' by ``
# The associated MTL (material) file is thus named 'plant.mtl'...
# We thus edit the `output_file` OBJ file to match the renaming done by `output_mtl_file.import_file()`
# ---------------
# - Load the OBJ to edit:
with open(output_file.path(), "r") as f:
obj_lines = f.readlines()
# It seems that there is only one ref to the 'plant.mtl' file but, just in case, we check all lines...
fixed_obj_lines = [re.sub('plant.mtl', f'{}.mtl', line) for line in obj_lines]
# - Save the fixed version:
with open(output_file.path(), "w") as f:
# - Export 'angles' and 'internodes' as metadata of the OBJ file:
measures = {}
for m in self.metadata:
m_val = lsystem.context().globals()[m]
if m in ["angles", "internodes"]:
measures[m] = m_val
output_file.set_metadata(m, m_val)
# - Export 'angles' and 'internodes' to a 'measures.json' file (to match manual measurements method):
from plantdb.fsdb import _scan_measures_path
measures_json = _scan_measures_path(output_file.get_scan())
with open(measures_json, 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(measures, indent=4))