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Unitary testsLink

Some tests are defined in the tests directory. We use nose2 to call them as follows:

nose2 -v -C


  • the configuration file used by nose2 is unittests.cfg
  • the -C option generate a coverage report, as defined by the .coveragerc file.
  • this requires the nose2 & coverage packages listed in the requirements.txt file.

You first have to install the library from sources as explained here.

Conda packagingLink

Start by installing the required conda-build & anaconda-client conda packages in the base environment as follows:

conda install -n base conda-build anaconda-client

Build a conda packageLink

To build the romitask conda package, from the root directory of the repository and the base conda environment, run:

conda build conda/recipe/ -c conda-forge --user romi-eu

If you are struggling with some of the modifications you made to the recipe, notably when using environment variables or Jinja2 stuffs, you can always render the recipe with:

conda render conda/recipe/

The official documentation for conda-render can be found here.

Upload a conda packageLink

To upload the built package, you need a valid account (here romi-eu) on & to log ONCE with anaconda login, then:

anaconda upload ~/miniconda3/conda-bld/linux-64/skeleton_refinement*.tar.bz2 --user romi-eu

Clean buildsLink

To clean the source and build intermediates:

conda build purge

To clean ALL the built packages & build environments:

conda build purge-all