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VirtualPlantImager specificationsLink

Start the Blender serverLink

There are many ways to do this, but the simplest & fastest option is to use the Docker image roboticsmicrofarms/virtualplantimager.


We make use of the $ROMI_DB environment variable. If not done yet, you may want to set it with export ROMI_DB=/path/to/database. Or replace it with the path to use.

1. Start a containerLink

Start a container and open a bash shell:

docker run -it --gpus all roboticsmicrofarms/virtualplantimager:latest -v $ROMI_DB:/myapp/db bash

Start a container and open a bash shell:

./docker/virtualplantimager/ -db $ROMI_DB

2. Start the Blender Flask serverLink

Then start the Blender server (listening to port 9001) with:

romi_bpy plant-imager/bin/romi_virtualplantimager -- --port 9001

When the server is up and running you should get something like:

 * Serving Flask app 'romi_virtualplantimager'
 * Running on all addresses (
 * Running on
 * Running on


The first HTTP address is accessible from within the container. The second HTTP address is accessible from the host running the container.

Test the serverLink

You may now use a web browser to submit a /hello_world request at

To do so, just copy/paste to the URL bar.

You may use Python to submit a request at

For example, you may get info by submitting a /hello_world request as follows:

  1. Open a new shell in the running container with (do not forget to replace the CONTAINER_ID):
    docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
  2. Then use Python to send a GET request:
    python -c "import requests
    res = requests.get('')

You should get a JSON response similar to this:

"Hello World!"
"I am a Flask server named 'romi_virtualplantimager'."
"I run Blender 2.93.16 built on 2023-03-21."
"I run Python 3.9.16."