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VirtualPlantImager REST APILink

The Python implementation is done in the bin/ file, that is also used to start a Flask server.

Hereafter we list the GET/POST requests that can be made and give some examples.



  • /objects (GET): retrieve the list of obj files in the data folder that can be loaded.
  • /load_object/<object_id> (GET) load the given object in the scene. Takes a translation vector as URL parameters (dx, dy, dz)


  • /classes (GET): retrieve the list of classes.


  • /backgrounds (GET): retrieve the list of hdr files in the hdri folder that can be loaded.
  • /load_background/<background_id> (GET) load the given background in the scene.


  • /camera_intrinsics (POST): set camera intrinsics. Keys: width, height, focal
  • /camera_pose (POST): set camera pose. Keys: tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz


  • /render (GET): gets the rendering of the scene
  • /render_class/<class_id> (GET) renders the scene, with everything transparent except the given class


Missing endpoints.


Using a browser to send HTTP requests is not too convenient. Instead, you may use httpie to send HTTP commands from a terminal.

To easily adapt to other configurations, we define the $VPI_HOST & $VPI_PORT variables. For example, matching the example given above, we define:

export VPI_HOST=''
export VPI_PORT='9001'

Setup cameraLink

http -f post "http://$VPI_HOST:$VPI_PORT/camera_intrinsics width=1920 height=1080 focal=35"

Load arabidopsis_0 OBJLink

http get "http://$VPI_HOST:$VPI_PORT/load_object/arabidopsis_0.obj?dx=10&dy=20&dz=1"

Load "old tree in the park" backgroundLink

http get "$VPI_PORT/load_background/old_tree_in_city_park_8k.hdr"

Move cameraLink

http -f post "http://$VPI_HOST:$VPI_PORT/camera_pose tx=-60 ty=0 tz=50 rx=60 ry=0 rz=-90"

Render scene and download imageLink

http --download get "http://$VPI_HOST:$VPI_PORT/render"

Render only leavesLink

http --download get "http://$VPI_HOST:$VPI_PORT/render_class/Color_7"